Air Cargo Logistics Optimization
Screening & Handling Scheduling
MJC²'s software has been used in the EUROSKY project to optimize air freight screening and handling operations in busy cargo terminals.
EUROSKY has developed innovative solutions for air cargo security while driving operational efficiencies that reduce costs and lead times. The EUROSKY technology is being trialled for cargo handlers at four major airports: Athens, Bologna, Lisbon and East Midlands.
New Screening Technology
EUROSKY has developed Next Generation detection technology including X-ray scanners with multi-energy detectors and advanced processing algorithms to sensitively detect anomalies in cargo, increasing the capability to distinguish between materials of similar but not exactly the same properties.
Combined with advances in mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and passive radiation detection, and using innovative risk assessment algorithms to optimize screening strategies, the EUROSKY screening technology advances lead to increased detection capability with reduced cargo screening times.
MJC²'s resource planning software has been used to optimize the utilization of these new technologies, integrated with demand-led scheduling of personnel.
Resource Planning & Optimization
Real-time Cargo Handling & Screening Optimizer Algorithms
MJC²'s real-time scheduling software and resource planning systems form key components of the EUROSKY Ecosystem. The MJC² solution plans and optimizes all processes in an integrated model, dynamically balancing and adjusting flows through busy terminals and facilities in response to real-time data feeds from tracking and booking systems.
This enables cargo handling processes to operate at maximum efficiency, ensuring good use of screening and handling equipment and corresponding personnel.
The Real-time Cargo Handling & Screening Optimizer (RCHSO) takes real-time data feeds about flight schedules/times, bookings, security status, truck ETAs, resource availability and freight processing status.
A real-time optimization dashboard provides the cargo handler and the airline with a live view of the operation, enabling more informed decision-making about last-minute bookings and resource planning.
Demand-Driven Rostering
Tactical and strategic planning algorithms are used to optimize shift patterns and screening personnel rosters.
The MJC² software models the working time regulations and constraints that apply to cargo handling and screening operations, ensuring that appropriate matching of skills/training to tasks and scheduling of required rest periods are respected.
For long-term planning the shift planning algorithms optimize the working hours patterns and staffing levels, taking into account weekly and seasonal volume fluctuations.
At the tactical level the task allocation algorithms use updated forecasts to identify potential under- or over-resourcing issues, allowing agency or overtime bookings to be updated to more closely match anticipated demand.