Container Logistics Security
Security = Efficiency
Container tracking solutions are evolving at an ever-increasing rate but many operators still have concerns about the cost of implementing such technology.
The potential security benefits are clear but would the costs be too much? Is there a risk that security personnel would simply be swamped with data and still miss important events and indicators?
MJC² has demonstrated that actually it is possible to simultaneously increase security AND reduce operational costs by implementing tracking technology alongside intelligent real-time optimization software.
The CONTAIN project is an EC-supported initiative to increase security in container logistics operations, and a major component of the CONTAIN toolset is a set of real-time transport scheduling algorithms developed by MJC².
Real-time Logistics Optimization
The MJC² solution automatically interprets real-time tracking data while the container is on the road, comparing the actual activity against the plan and intelligently detecting possible security threats.
However, the system can also respond automatically to legitimate deviations from plan (e.g. traffic, delays, last minute orders), re-optimizing the logistics activity so that the operation is running as efficiently as possible at all times.
This innovative use of real-time scheduling algorithms results in a highly controlled logistics operation with global visibility to increase security, while also saving money for the logistics operator that far exceeds the investment in the technology.
The CONTAIN project has shown that (in real cases) hinterland transport cost savings of 10% can be achieved.
Multi-modal Solution
Integrated Rail/Truck Scheduling
The logistics optimization software models hinterland rail and truck movements. The logistics plan is dynamically updated, using the container positional data to augment information coming from port community systems and rail and truck operators.
This increases visibility and reliability in the operation, encouraging increased use of rail, which in turn reduces congestion around port areas and provides a cheaper, greener overall solution.
Real-time Driver Optimization
The well-documented driver shortage in the UK and much of Europe means that making best use of driver hours is more important than ever.
MJC²'s real-time scheduling algorithms automatically optimize the allocation of work to drivers, aiming to minimise wasted empty running while also choosing combinations of work that make a good, balanced workload for each driver.
Container Repositioning and Re-use
Updated information about the location and status of each container drives the repositioning algorithms in the MJC² solution.
For example, opportunities for reloading an empty container at an export customer location are automatically identified, and re-optimized in response to delays or last-minute customer orders.
Similarly, by integration with depot inventory control systems, the repositioning of empty containers within the hinterland can be planned based on current stocks and forecast demand, intelligently using spare haulage capacity during quieter periods to reduce queueing and congestion.